Victor Ogutu:

I joined Kaptagat in September of 1978 in Form 1. My sisters, Edith and Beryl were in Upper and Lower Six respectively. I was barely into Form 2 when they moved on to Secondary School.
I remember racing out of class at 4.00pm on Wednesdays with Eddie Sang, Tim Fort and Kiptoo Kibogy hot on my heels; mission: to get the fastest horse for the riding lesson that day. If you weren't riding Silver, Mouse or Andy then you might as well have skipped the lesson. After the usual tips from Ben and Mr. Cullen (he left and then came back in the '80s)there was always a race on the Kibogy's farm just after the wheat had been harvested.
Then of course there were the walks to the Old Rockies and the Wattle Woods where we would play cops and robbers...oh yes, and Ma Rush washing your mouth with soap if you swore. Last but not least who can ever forget those lovely mince pies at the christmas party.

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Page maintained by Andy Russell, last updated 20 Apr 02