Kaptagat Prospectus 1969

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  believe that this School has been founded, and has carried on now for a quarter of a century, on such solid, firm and true Christian principles that the success which it has enjoyed for the last twenty-five years will continue into the future.
  Dr. The Reverend Donald Lord Soper, M.A., Ph.D.
    "It has been said that in previous years the yearly rabbit only appeared on the actual day of prize distribution. My wife and / are rabbits who have been here for some time and this gives added point to what l wish to say. We have seen something of this school at work and play and its various avocations. May l invite all of you, after this ceremony is finished, to repair to the schoolrooms and classrooms. Particularly was / interested in the calligraphy — how excellent is the handwriting for children of this age. / heard the choir, and it has been delightful to hear the attack and verve of the singing. l encourage you to see their paintings, it is a most exciting and enjoyable experience.
  When / arrived here this morning l was immediately impressed by the atmosphere of happiness and confidence. An atmosphere which appeared to have found its way amongst staff and children alike and in all aspects of school life. l do most warmly commend to all of you this confident and happy outlook for the future ..."
  His Excellency the Rt. Hon. Malcolm MacDonald, Governor-General of Kenya
  "In his speech the Headmaster remarked on the fact that boys and girls are pupils together here, and he answered the foolish charge of some critics that that mixture is a bad arrangement because it makes the boys girlish and the girls boyish. Well, / hope that / myself am a bit of a retort to that charge because l went to school at one of the pioneer co-educational schools in England where boys and girls remained together as scholars until they were eighteen. / do think that co-education makes for a more natural relationship between the sexes.
    / have been much impressed by the quality of freedom in this school, not by a freedom which is licence but by a freedom which is ordered restraint and out of which is born the spirit of naturalness. This is an excellent experience and l congratulate the school upon this quality.
    / should also like to congratulate the school, if / may without impudence, upon its quality .dot of laziness but of leisureliness. / come from a place where there is much bustle and confusion and where one of the watchwords of our modern society is the word 'instant' Instant coffee, instant tea, and indeed in some of the debates in the House which / frequent, instant strife. There is nothing here of this arrogant craze for speed, but I can testify from what / have seen that they get there just the same.
  A great many of the difficulties and dangers that exist for us in the world today arise from the fact that we in the older generation have not recognized the truth that equality between the races, and so quarrels, bitter quarrels sometimes, between nations or different races, arise because they think they are rivals and some think they are superior and others think they are inferior. These quarrels are still threatening us with the danger of a thing called the atomic war. Well, if that war comes it will blow us all to bits equally, absolutely regardless of the colours of our skins and so / hope that in your time the young generation will achieve what we have so far failed to do, although we are beginning to succeed now. / hope that in your generation you will establish a brotherhood not only between school teachers and school pupils and all the other professional and working people but also between the different races on earth, and then we shall begin to have real peace and prosperity and progress everywhere in every country in the world..."
    When / was at school l remember that there were those who said that the end of education was to draw out, from the Latin 'educere'. / was dubious about this until l heard it was not the Latin word 'educere' but 'educare' that lies at the base of education. And 'educare' means to nourish. l believe that education is a nourishment for life and if it restricts itself to a narrow inculcation of facts then it manifestly fails in its primary object. It is impressive at this school to see how relevant these educational processes are ... "